So Sorry I Never Knew You.

Created by milessimmons1 12 years ago
As time passes, it'll get easier they say, more bearable they claim. Well I'm not sure about that. I never got to know you, my son. To see your open eyes, feel your tender touch or to take comfort in a warm embrace. My love is no less for my son, than it is for my daughter. They are both my children. I have two children, one of each kind and both one of a kind. With any luck, you'll know your old man wanted nothing more than a baby boy and that's exactly what I got. I held you, but for a few hours and yet you humbled me more than anyone else could in a lifetime. I love every fibre of your being. You were a huge part of me and I'm proud to be your father and proud to have played a part in your creation. So sorry I never got to know you son, we would have been best friends. If there was a human sacrifice, I'd be it.... to make amends. Love Dad x